From now until the end of May, we will be buying Bibles and New Testaments in Spanish for them to take with them to distribute. The children's New Testament has an insert that tells the Gospel message and how to join God's Family. A Child's New Testament costs only $2.00 and a complete Spanish Bible costs only $3.00.

How to Donate:
You may donate money in 1 of 3 ways:
1.) Cash: If you are local and would like to give cash, please place it in an envelope along with the name or names you would like to include as the "giver" and give it to me or a member of my family.
2.) Check: If you would like to mail a check, please email me or inbox me on Facebook and I will send you our address. Include a note with the name(s) you would like in your Bible(s).
3.) Paypal: Go to your paypal account, click the "Send Money" tab, click the "personal" tab, mark it as a gift and put in the comment section the name or names you would like in your Bible(s). Send the donation to vicki@paster9ik.com (remove the number before sending - this precaution is to prevent spammers from having access to my email address).
Support the Mission Trip:

While money is important, it comes in a distance second to our need for your prayer support. Since prayer is so important to the success of this mission, we invite you to pray with us. Please pray for travel safety and that God will go before the team and open doors. Pray that needs will be met and lives will be changed. Pray that the needed funds will be raised and the givers will be blessed! We are excited about the opportunity and experiences that lie ahead. We invite you to be part of this great adventure in the Amazon!
You can read about past trips and follow the Crew leaving in June at the Mission Coordinator's Blog: http://pachitamama.wordpress.com/. Read about one of the groups they will be working with at http://www.conapac.org/
Thanks, and God Bless You!!
(Thanks to Beth Williams for providing the photos from her trip to Peru last year.)